Saturday, November 20, 2010

Me at SFCG, Nigeria.

Working at S.F.C.G has it own ups and downs, and I love every minute of it, I work with Chom Bagu, a very warm and lovely person...makes me wish he was, John Hwok...He is a nice man, wonder what He thinks about me, but I think he is pretty old school{but that amongst many other things is what makes us comfortable with him as the accountant eh!}Ego Esinwoke, She is pretty and pretty complicated too, wish I liked her more..Oh No!! I almost forgot Alimamy OMG!! Can anyone be crazier and saner at the same time, He is from Sierra Leon but I tell you that guy should be a I do not doubt that I work with a creative group and I believe together we are building and changing lives in the Niger Delta Area one person at a time. showing them powerful tools at their disposal, tools more powerful than violence that will go a long way to helping the people see a better, safer tomorrow. Tools like the media...wish I had money enough to make everyone in the region happier and healthier. Since, I don't have money I an resolve to give them the very best of what I have, 'The power of the Media' I have been a broadcaster for a few years and I know that the media is a very powerful tool and if more people in the Niger Delta could harness the necessary media skills needed, Our story could be better heard and easier turned into a success story. I believe in Change and I thank SFCG for bringing me into their organisation to be a part of the great and positive Change happening in my Niger Delta..